
Every detail matters

Innovation starts from within

Meat is a global product, packed with vital nutrients and is a popular food choice among consumers.  The challenge is on producers, manufacturers, transporters and retailers to ensure top quality products, free from contamination.  With increasing competition and tighter cost margins, new innovative ways to assess, process, and package meat products while maintaining quality and safety attributes are continuously being developed.

At Diligent our designers use the latest technology to review and analyze the best flow within your projects footprint.  We examine the entire process, from how animals arrive at the plant, transfer to slaughter, transition to primary, secondary, and if applicable further processing.  Your customers depend on you to provide high quality meat products and Diligent is here to make you successful!

Our fabricators and installers are involved early in the process to collaborate on your meat processing equipment needs.  When you need innovative ideas, you put a team together consisting of those performing the work; and leverage lessons learned into value-added project plans.

Our Values

Integrity, innovation and excellence. Diligent leads the way in advancing how meat is harvested and processed. Our sole focus is on your meat processing operations.  We support the safe harvesting and processing of high-quality meat products by designing, fabricating, and installing problem-solving machinery and tooling systems into cattle, poultry, and hog processing facilities.  

Learn more about us.